Who’s Afraid of the Working Class?

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Unless leftist movements include the working class in discussions and decision-making processes, building a mass movement capable of transformative change remains an impossible task.

Despite this, broad sections of the left continue to operate as spaces of exclusion by frequently disregarding working-class perspectives when they are voiced, and perpetuating a distorted narrative of the class struggle as something that exists solely between the global populace and bourgeoise, whilst ignoring the class struggle that manifests between the working and middle classes. This resistance to class politics has produced movements that are undemocratic, classist and authoritarian in scope, standing no chance at building coalitions with broader groups. This reluctance to acknowledge and address class politics leaves us all scratching our heads – what are they afraid of?

For this panel discussion we have invited Payal Parekh, climate scientist turned climate justice activist, Assad Shoaib, London-based development researcher, Matt Huber, professor of Geography at Syracuse University and Michael Albert, author at ZNetwork

This is the first panel out of a two-part series. For our second panel discussion (speakers, date and time to be announced at a later date), we will invite working class activists to have their say.

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