Recorded WCCA Talks (Page 1)

Podcast Appearance on Green New Deal Media

4th June 2024

WCCA Director Emma River-Roberts and WCCA member Sasha Josette spoke with GND Media’s Adam Williams about why the climate movement is missing out on working class solidarity, what to do about it, and how community organising can be the foundation for the climate movement.

It is now available to watch below or can be viewed by following this link. Alternatively, you can listen to the episode as a podcast.

Panel Discussion Hosted by the WCCA

11th April 2024

This week we hosted our first panel discussion about the left movement’s failure to address class politics, and we invited Payal Parekh, Assad Shoaib, Matt Huber and Michael Albert to share their thoughts. It is now available to watch below or by following this link.

Lecture at Queens University Belfast

29th February 2024

Earlier this month, Emma River-Roberts delivered a talk about the classed dynamics of the degrowth movement at Queens University Belfast, jointly hosted by the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action, as well as the school of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics. Titled The Degrowth movement’s erasure of the working class struggle, she discussed the class-blind and classist development of the movement – which remains overly Eurocentric, white, middle class and north-centric. It is now available to watch below or by following this link.

The accompanying slides for the lecture can be viewed and/or downloaded below.

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